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"The Economic Impact of Wine Exports on Georgia's Economy"

Writer: Vitaliy DanilovVitaliy Danilov

Sculptor Tamara Kvesitadze 
The tragic love story

Wine has always been considered as the main part of Georgia's identity and it is contemplated as the old wine producing region. During the past few years, it is identified that the remedy changes were there in the wind industry of Georgia and it is enhancing the export of wine. It means that this industry has developed the economy of this country and the growth of wine exports have enhanced the efficiency of Georgia in the global wine industry. Economic impact in the wine export has been identified in the economy of this country. It is considered as the main source of income of this country (Harutyunyan and Malfeito-Ferreira, 2022). It was identified that the export to the international market includes the European Union, United States, Russia and other parts of Asia. In 2020, it is determined that more than 100 million bottles of wine will have been prepared in Georgia and it is considered as an export. The growth of this market has other sectors as tourism and agricultural industry also have enhanced. Georgia was considered as the source of wine and it is the main reason for which tourism has increased in this country. It means that the wind industry has contributed to the development of the economy.

Effect of wine export was also there in the social economic development in the different areas like rural areas (Kasradze et al., 2022). Different locations of this country have been contempted as remote regions like Racha, Kartli and these locations became effective in contributing towards the economy with their wine. It means that the export of wine has developed the economic condition of this country and it has been contempted as the opportunity for the people to enhance their financial efficiency. In the international market, the demand for Georgian wines has increased which can be considered as the main source of income for Georgia.

Reference list: Harutyunyan, M. and Malfeito-Ferreira, M., (2022). Historical and heritage sustainability for the revival of ancient wine-making techniques and wine styles. Beverages8(1), p.10.

Kasradze, T., Nutsubidze, M. and Kapanadze, P., (2022). Recent Opportunities for Increasing Georgian Wine Export-Incentives or Obstacles to Improving Wine Quality. European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies8(1), pp.68-81.


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