Saperavi red dry (12% Alc)
"Saperavi" is a traditional dry red table wine, made from Spaeravi grape variety. The wine is characterized by rich, dark-garnet colour with a purple tint, bright fresh varietal aroma with notes of black currant. The taste is fresh, virile, full-bodied, with good tannin structure, sometimes with a pleasant slight bitterness, and with a long pleasant aftertaste.
Food Pairings: Delicious on its own, juicy meat (game meat, roasted lamb, grilled pork, veal) chicken stew, roasted potatoes, hard cheeses, spaghetti, beans, salads, and sandwiches
Harvest Period: September 2017
Grape Variety: Saperavi
Region: Kakheti
Saperavi red dry